Tips, Web Design, Web Development, WordPress

How To Add the Google +1 Button to your WordPress Site

A few weeks back Google pushed its +1 button live across the web. The Google +1 setup tool is very easy to use to generate the code needed.

Their generated code will look something similar to this
{code type=codetype}<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>{/code}
The first step in adding the Google +1 Button to your website is to place that code above your closing body tag in your themes footer.php file.
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Tips, Web Design, Web Development, WordPress

How to Stop WordPress From Asking for FTP Info

Ever since we moved the Cat on the Couch Productions site and the Cat on the Couch Productions blog to a dedicated virtual server on Media Temple we’ve struggled with having to input our FTP information every time we need to update a theme or a plugin for WordPress.

To stop wordpress from asking for FTP credentials every time you update a theme or plugin you just need to add the following line of code to your wp-config.php file.Read more

Tips, Web Design, Web Development, WordPress

How To Reset Your WordPress Password

This week one of our clients was unfortunate enough to have an automatic update of a plugin fail about 1/2 way through. This caused their wp-admin section to become unusable. When they contacted us we weren’t privy to the details of the failed plugin upgrade so we just assumed they lost their password and couldn’t get it back. Sending a recovery email wasn’t working so we went ahead and reset it via phpMyAdmin.

To reset your WordPress password via phpMyAdmin you need the directions below and it should take you less than 5 minutes.

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Google Analytics, Tips, Web Design, Web Development

Hiding ?fb_xd_fragment from Google Analytics

This week our client, Green Mountain at Fox Run, wrote to us to try to understand why when running reports in Google Analytics they were seeing duplicate URL’s with the only difference being one included ?fb_xd_fragment= at the end of it.


Typically this happens when you have Facebook social widgets, such as the Like button, on your site.

Preventing these from appearing in Google Analytics is actually pretty easy.
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Random, Small Business, Tips, Web Design, Web Development, WordPress

What’s New in WordPress 3.2

Earlier this week WordPress announced the release of WordPress 3.2, Beta 1. Some of the changes that are coming are:

1) If you have WordPress on most shared hosting environments, especially then you’re biggest complaint is usually the speed of your site. WordPress is eluding to performance improvements which will make your WordPress site run faster in version 3.2.

2) WP-Admin will be getting some visual upgrades but no details have been released yet.

3) The visual editor’s full-screen composing experience has gotten a major overhaul, and is now available from HTML mode, too.

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Google Analytics, Small Business, Tips, Web Design, Web Development

Add Site Speed to your Google Analytics Account

In the beginning of May Google announced that you would now be able to monitor page load time in the new version of Google Analytics. You will now have the ability to see which pages are loading the slowest and you can even break it down to what browsers load the slowest and what parts of the World load the slowest.

The first thing you need to do to be able to measure load time is to make a slight modification to your Google Analytics pixel.
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Tips, Web Design, Web Development

Facebook Like Box not showing in IE9

This week our friends over at informed us that the Facebook like box on their homepage was no longer showing in Internet Explorer 9. After doing some research we quickly found out that we weren’t the only ones experiencing this issue. The problem occurs when you’re using an older version of the Like Box code.

To fix the Facebook Like Box not showing in Internet Explorer 9 you only have to do a few simple steps.

1) Go to and generate your new code.
2) Swap out your old for the new code and you should be back in business.
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