• Created with Snap

    Web Design

  • Created with Snap

    Web Development

  • Created with Snap

    Copywriting & Social Media

  • Created with Snap

    Research & Strategy

  • Good design is about more than just how something looks: it's how it works. Every Cat on the Couch project begins with user experience in mind, resulting in a product that is visually dynamic, easy to use and remarkably intuitive. We also ensure that it reflects your company's unique identity, effectively communicates your message and ultimately delivers the results you want.

  • When it's time to take your website to the next level, improve its efficiency or make it mobile, our skilled programmers will customize and implement the solution that best meets your needs and goals. Regardless of your business size or type, you can rest assured that the apps and architecture we create for you will be secure, stable and scalable.

  • Your website and social media platforms give you the ability to market your business 24 hours a day. Our combination of SEO-targeted copywriting, content development and social media management helps you improve your online position, drive traffic to your site and generate interest, leads and sales.

  • As your marketing partner, Cat on the Couch will help you develop your brand and properly position you in the marketplace. This includes conducting in-depth research on your target market, analyzing your competition and creating a comprehensive strategic plan that will help you grow your company and improve your bottom line.




Yoast SEO Plugin Update Breaks Update Button

If you’re like us you use the Yoast SEO plugin on all of your sites. In the Yoast SEO 7.0.1 update our clients realized the update button was gone from all categories. You may have even seen an error like: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to WPSEO_Metabox_Tab_Section::add_tab() must implement interface WPSEO_Metabox_Tab, boolean given […]Read more

Tips, WordPress

Fix AMP Plugin Not Validating Due to HTTPS Plugin

If you’re like us you’re excited to get Accelerated Mobile Pages working on your site. However, you might also be running into a validation error such as “The mandatory tag ‘amphtml engine v0.js script’ is missing or incorrect”. After lots of troubleshooting we determined that the very outdated WordPress HTTPS (SSL) Plugin was causing issues. […]Read more

Tips, Tutorials, Web Development

Free Mandrill Alternatives!

If you’re like us and you have hundreds of clients that host on Godaddy.com and use WordPress then you’ve inevitably run into the issue where your form submission emails never show up in the clients inbox. You’ve called Godaddy and listened them tell you to install various plugins such as WP SMTP but still have […]Read more